1. How do I register at the Casino?
- Connect to the Internet and run the casino software, making sure that all your other applications are closed first.
- When the casino's main screen becomes visible, click on the "Connect" button, then on the "Register Now!" button.
- Enter the requested details, making sure
to exclude any punctuation in the fields. On the second page, be
sure to select either "Real for US$" or "Free as a Guest" as your
player type. Please remember the password you choose - you'll need
it later.
Please note: your password is case-sensitive and has to be entered the same way each time you log in.
2. What is the minimum amount of gaming credits I need to purchase?
In order to start playing online, you will need to purchase $20 worth of gaming credits.
3. I want to play for free but I am asked for a Credit Card- why?
have opened a Real Account - please contact the Support Staff for information on how to open a Guest Account. Guest Passengers are allocated Guest Accounts that do not require wagering real money.
4. I have just registered and don't know what my password is.
On the second page of registration you chose and entered your own password, which is case-sensitive and has to be entered the same way each time you log in.
5. What do I pay to play as a Guest Passenger?
Nothing! Guest Passengers are allocated Guest Accounts that allow them to play for FREE!
6. How long will my Guest Account be active for?
Guest Accounts never expire. You are most welcome to remain a Guest Passenger and play as often as you like.
7. Can I open Real or Guest Account by phone?
Yes, you are welcome to contact our Support Staff with the following details:
- First and last name
- Physical address
- Telephone number (and area code)
- E-mail address
- Date of birth
- Social security or ID number (for Real
Accounts only)
(In the case of a second Real Account for a family, a motivational note is required. Single Passengers may NOT have two Real Accounts in their name.)
