At The River Belle Online Casino, we constantly strive to make life as comfortable as possible for our passengers. That's why we offer the safest, most secure online banking service possible!
All commercial transactions at The River Belle Online Casino are facilitated by PROC-CYBER SERVICES www.proc-cyber-services.com and SendVia, www.sendvia.com
Sendvia, the European merchant, is the contracting party and is located at the following address
P O Box 606
Mezzanine West
Hadfield House
Library Street
Proc-Cyber Services, one of the Internet's premier electronic cash merchant, offers safe and secure e-cash, which The River Belle Online Casino is proud to be able to accept as a means of purchasing tokens. The banking facility is only available to Real Players i.e. players who wager with real money as opposed to Guest Players, who play for fun.
Proc-Cyber Services plays an active role in risk prevention and detection. They aim to ensure the integrity of customer accounts as well as payments made to customers.
SendVia, is the latest addition to e-cash transaction processing at The River Belle. SendVia guarantees the safety and security of Players' e-cash transactions on the Internet by hosting their systems in high security environments and using state-of-the-art firewall technology and 128-bit encryption throughout.
If you have any queries regarding transactions that have been facilitated by SendVia, please contact: queries@sendvia.com

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24/7 Support: USA 1-888-615-2383 • Canada 1-888-552-4196 • UK 0-800-783-4381 Email Support
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